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Notice 2020-003 - Housekeeping Rule - Housekeeping Amendment to Form 1A

March 13, 2020


In accordance with the “Process for the Review and Approval of Rules and the Information Contained in Form 21-101F1 and the Exhibits Thereto” (the “Protocol”) of the CSE Recognition Order, the CSE has adopted, and the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission has approved, the Housekeeping Rule amendment to the Form 1A Application Letter described in this notice. The amendment is a Housekeeping Rule amendment under the Protocol and therefore was not published for comment. The Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission has not disagreed with the categorization of the amendment as a Housekeeping Rule.


The specific monetary amount for the non-refundable portion of the listing fee (often considered a deposit, or application fee) is being removed from the Form 1A Application Letter so that any future fee changes will not require form amendments.

Blacklined text of the amendments:

Please find enclosed, in duplicate, Form 1B Listing Application, Form 2A Listing Statement, Form 2B Listing Summary, executed Listing Agreement, the supporting documents set out in Appendix A to the Listing Application and a cheque representing the non-refundable portion of the application fee of $2,500 plus HST/GST.

Text of the amended Form 1A:

Please find enclosed, in duplicate, Form 1B Listing Application, Form 2A Listing Statement, Form 2B Listing Summary, executed Listing Agreement, the supporting documents set out in Appendix A to the Listing Application and a cheque representing the non-refundable portion of the application fee plus HST/GST.



The amendments will be effective immediately.


The amendments have been classified as housekeeping and were not published for comment.

D.         QUESTIONS

Questions regarding this notice may be directed to:

Mark Faulkner

Vice President, Listings and Regulation, CNSX Markets Inc.
